🇬🇭🌍Today, a new Global Citizen is Born: A Letter to My Family🇬🇭🌍

Hello Lovelies, my beloved family,

Today is nothing short of monumental. A day that transcends paperwork and ceremonies—it is the culmination of love, sacrifice, and faith. It is the continuation of a journey that began long before I boarded that flight to Ghana in September 2022. A journey etched into the hearts of our ancestors who dreamed of this moment, and in mine, as I dared to leap into the unknown, leaving behind Louisiana, New York, and every place I’ve ever called home to pursue something greater.

Today, I become a global citizen, a dual citizen of the United States and Ghana.

This moment carries a weight that is both personal and historic. It is a love letter to my children—Landen, my sweet 6-year-old son who will witness this sacred moment, and my daughters, who will be the proud recipients of this legacy. To them, I say: This is for you. This is for the generations after you. This is for all the sacrifices and the prayers whispered over us. This is for every step that brought us here and every dream you will dare to chase.

I left what was familiar—not because it was easy, but because I knew there was more. I stepped out in faith, knowing that life is lived fully when we lean into our divine purpose. I didn’t just leave for myself. I left because I knew there was healing in the journey. Healing for my soul. Healing for the stories untold. Healing for us all.

Ghana, my chosen home, has been more than a destination. It has been a mirror, showing me what I was made of. It has been a place of growth, love, and restoration. Here, I nurtured the parts of myself that needed to be loved back to life. Here, I found freedom—freedom to dream again, to walk in my purpose, and to be all that God has called me to be.

Becoming a citizen today is not just an achievement; it is a declaration. It says, “I belong.” It says, “Africa is home.” And it says to every ancestor who never saw this day: “Your prayers carried us here. Your sacrifices were not in vain. We are still rising.”

This citizenship is more than a title—it’s an opportunity. It’s an invitation to stand at the intersection of heritage and hope, to walk boldly in both worlds, and to bridge the divide between the diaspora and the continent. It is a responsibility to build, to create, to love. To leave this place better for the next generation.

Family, this step is for us. For the future we are building together. For the moments of separation, the sacrifices of presence, and the faith that sustains us. Today, I hold your love in my heart as I step into this new dimension of being.

To my son Landen, thank you for being here with me on this day. Your presence is a reminder of why I do what I do. To my daughters, who will inherit this legacy, know that this moment belongs to you, too. You are my reason, my inspiration, and my greatest gifts.

As I receive my Ghanaian passport, I am reminded that this is only the beginning. There are more doors to open, more paths to walk, more opportunities to create. This moment is a seed, and I am excited to watch it grow.

To my family back in Louisiana, New York, and wherever you may be—I carry you with me. Your love, your prayers, your encouragement—these have been my anchors. I hope you see this day as a reflection of what is possible when faith meets action. I hope it reminds you to chase your dreams, to tap into your purpose, and to never stop growing.

Today, I stand not just as an individual, but as a representation of us all. Of every prayer, every tear, every sacrifice that made this possible. This is a love letter to our future and a thank-you to our past.

As Kwame Nkrumah said, “I am not African because I was born in Africa, but because Africa was born in me.”

Family, I love you endlessly.

With all my heart,

Lady Erin


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