The Conversation Everywhere: Embracing Natural Beauty, Identity, and Self-Love Provoked by the Posture of Sarah Jakes Roberts

 Hello, all my Lovelies, and beautiful souls!

Yesterday, Sarah Jakes Roberts preached her heart out, and something caught my attention: she was wearing a stocking cap while delivering her powerful message. As a simple naturalist with natural hair, it got me thinking about the whole situation and the larger conversation it sparks.

Isn't it naturally normal for things that are not a part of us to eventually fall off? We wake up each day shedding layers and additions, like our hair, makeup, and nails. We were born into this world naked, without any of these enhancements. So why do we rely on them to define our worth and identity?

It's time to normalize embracing our natural selves. Let's celebrate our true beauty and show up authentically, allowing ourselves to be free and liberated. We should not be shocked or surprised when a wig comes off because it doesn't define who we are. All that extra stuff we carry around can be heavy, both physically and emotionally.

I remember a time when I wore weaves, and while it may have altered my appearance externally, it never changed who I was internally. I still had the same mindset and perspective. However, when I decided to let go of those artificial layers and embrace my natural self, I felt a sense of lightness and authenticity. And let me tell you, being true to yourself and loving yourself as you are is the best kind of love.

You are golden, my love. Embrace your uniqueness and let your natural beauty shine. Trust me, when you love and accept yourself, others will love and accept you just the same. It's time to have a conversation everywhere about self-love, self-acceptance, and the beauty of being unapologetically you.

Today, let's dive into a thought-provoking topic sparked by Sarah Jakes Roberts posture while preaching with a stocking cap on. This discussion is not about God but centers around embracing our natural beauty, overcoming an identity crisis, and living authentically. Let's explore the significance of shedding layers, normalizing less enhancements, and finding ways to identify an identity crisis while rediscovering and embracing our true selves.

Embracing the Natural: When Sarah Jakes Roberts preached with her wig off and a stocking cap on, it resonated with me as a simple naturalist with natural hair. It reminded me that if something is not a part of you, it's bound to come off. Each day, we witness evidence that many people suffer from an identity crisis. But let's remember that we were born naked, without any layers or additions such as hair, makeup, or nails. These enhancements don't define us; they are simply external additions.

Normalizing Less Enhancements: Let's take a moment to normalize showing up as our natural selves, embracing our true identities, and letting go of societal pressures to conform. By doing so, we liberate ourselves and experience a sense of freedom and authenticity. No longer should we be shocked or surprised when a wig comes off; instead, it becomes a natural part of our journey. All the extra stuff we carry around is heavy, both physically and emotionally. It's time to lighten the load and embrace our natural beauty.

Rediscovering Your Authentic Self: Identifying an identity crisis and getting back to yourself requires self-reflection and self-acceptance. Here are some ways to navigate this transformative journey:

  1. Reflect on Your Values and Passions: Take time to explore what truly matters to you. Identify your core values and rediscover your passions. Embrace activities and pursuits that align with your authentic self.

  2. Embrace Imperfections and Let Go of Expectations: Recognize that no one is perfect. Embrace your imperfections and release the need to meet society's unrealistic expectations. Embracing your unique qualities allows you to authentically shine.

  3. Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Practice mindfulness, exercise, journaling, or any activity that brings you joy and allows you to reconnect with your true self.

  4. Surround Yourself with Authenticity: Seek connections and relationships with individuals who celebrate and appreciate you for who you are. Surrounding yourself with authenticity fosters a supportive environment for self-discovery and growth.

  5. Practice Self-Love: Love and accept yourself unconditionally. Celebrate your uniqueness and embrace self-compassion. Trust that by being true to yourself, you will attract love and acceptance from others.

From the lens, opinion, and desk of Erin Porche,

Embrace your natural beauty and radiate from within. You are enough.


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